The World’s Upside Down!
New Audio / Video project from Mr. Somebody!*
*The artist formerly known as Tj Wheeler
Introducing The World’s Upside Down!
The World's Upside Down! Is Mr. Somebody's (AKA Tj Wheeler) new multi-tiered, audio/video collection of Blues in the School (BITS) topical songs written in collaboration with his BITS students from North America and beyond. Roughly 15 top Northern New England Seacoast musicians, ages 4 to 74, came together to record this project. The goal is to encourage the turning of the world rightside up! The tentative release date for this innovative project is early 2024. For more information, including bookings for concert/workshop and residencies send Mr. Somebody an email @ TJWHEELER7@YAHOO.COM or leave a private Facebook message.