Newly Updated Program description: "How WE Arrived"
This is a newly updated program description for my new program How WE Arrived ...How Grassroots Music influenced the history of the 20th century & beyond. (Click here to download the full program description for How WE Arrived) It examines the 50 year increments of 1915, 1965, 2015 and speculates on 2065. I haven't been this excited about a program for a very long time. One of the key goals is to break down the barriers that obtusely block our ability to have dialogue on such issues as race,class and prejudice in general. It's also meant to destroy the perception that history has little if any connection to who we are today and that its about as exciting as watching paint dry. Both of these issues are obstructions to, not only, learning but living.
It's a multi media, interactive, integrated arts project that combines live music, power point display, video, discussion and percussion instruments. ALL participants are mentally, emotionally, and physically involved in the process.
Miles Davis once said when asked how to develop a personal style on a instrument: Not only listen intently to what's being done...listen for what's not being done and then focus on developing that. As a musician I've always tried to live by those words. Now as an educator, an Artist in Residence, with over 40 years of experience, I realize that in education ...the elephant in the room...i.e. subjects that are avoided such as racism,classicism, sexism etc., (especially pertaining to today) is the very CONNECTING piece that is too often missing in the teaching of History and Social Studies education today. The elephant isn't to be feared...The elephant is what's relevant. Contrary to the old adage Youth is wasted on the young....Youth and progress is stymied by the old who are too afraid to keep it real. Those who won't take risks are keeping our youth at risk.
I'm currently finishing off booking the 2014-15 school year and actively booking the 2015 -2016 year. This program is not only for K-12 schools, it can easily be tailored for Universities, Libraries, Civil & Human rights Orgs., Church groups, Corporations, celebrations such as Martin Luther King Day, Black History Month, Labor Day, etc. It can be done as a workshop/concert or in more depth as a residency.
Please check out the attachment to see far more fully the timeline, the music and how the connections are made. Please get back to me with any comments, questions and feedback.
Thank you
Tj Wheeler
PS This program in itself is a grassroots please..if you yourself aren't in a position facilitate having this program, please share it with those you know who could :)