(The artist formerly known as Tj Wheeler) says
“The World’s Upside Down!”
Introducing The World’s Upside Down!
The World's Upside Down! is Mr. Somebody's (AKA Tj Wheeler) new multi-tiered, audio/video collection of Blues in the School (BITS) topical songs written in collaboration with his BITS students from North America and beyond. Roughly 15 top Northern New England Seacoast musicians, ages 4 to 74, came together to record this project. The goal is to encourage the turning of the world rightside up! The tentative release date for this innovative project is early 2024. For more information, including bookings for concert/workshop and residencies send Mr. Somebody an email @ TJWHEELER7@YAHOO.COM or leave a private Facebook message.
Listen to two tracks from The World’s Upside Down!
The World’s Upside Down
The name of the project & song tackles a litany of examples of how its upside down (even though it’s played in a fun, sing along, jug band groove.) The Education system, the Environment, Worker Exploitation, Animal abuse, Homelessness are all covered!
We Learn to Sing Again
This song came about as I was conducting the first program back at the Corpus Christy elementary school in Ottawa, ON, Canada, after 2 years of a Pandemic ban on student singing. When asked to sing the kids opened their mouths and nothing came out. Their teacher exclaimed to me, “They’ve forgotten how to sing!” I turned into the skid. While I took notes, they volunteered to show what the last 2 years of Pandemic life had been like for them. After school I wrote this song based on all their quotes. The next day we learned the song & soon they were ALL indeed singing again. It’s one of the most meaningful songs that ever came out of my BITS programs.
Check back for more updates as we get closer to the release date.
Blues in the Schools Visits First Ave Ottawa
First Ave students were thrilled to have Blues in the Schools return with their live performances and musical workshops for the kids. The program finale was a rousing performance by the sixth grade students performing with Tj Wheeler and his one stringed diddley bow. Thank you to the brilliant local musicians who inspired and uplifted our students with all things Blues. And, thank you for supporting School Council which enables us to bring these enrichment programs to our fabulous First Ave School!”
Tj Wheeler Admitted to the
Music Museum of New England
“TJ Wheeler oozes the Blues and it shows in a lifetime of commitment to “America’s Original Art Form.” TJ is an original, but his music is steeped in timeless traditions of Blues and Jazz. Born in Bremerton, Washington (1952), as a teenager he saw Buddy Guy, and Son House, instantly became a bona fide Blues Guy and began his lifetime of playing guitar and teaching about the Blues.”
January 14 MLK Commemoration Concert
On Sunday, January 14, 2024, from 3:00 – 5:00 PM at Mr. Sippy's Barbeque, 184 So. Main St. Rochester, NH. Tj will be conducting a commemoration concert titled "Let Freedom Sing" in honor of Martin Luther King. Dr. King referred to the music of the Civil Rights Movement as the Soul Force i.e. the musical soundtrack & backbone of the whole quest of the Freedom campaign. Seating is somewhat limited so please get there early and share this experience with everyone. There is no admission fee so all you have to pay is your respects. Donations, if you're able, are appreciated.